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Service Fuse Replacement

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Service Fuse Replacement

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Service Fuse Replacement Sydney

Service Fuse Replacement

Service Fuse Installation

Service Fuse Defect Notices

MPD Meter Protection Device True Local Electricians - MPD & SPD Installation
Service Fuse Replacement

Level 2 Electrician Sydney

True Local Electricians are Sydney wide and specialise in the repair, replacement or installation of council Service Fuses located in your Switchboard. We are qualified level 2 electricians servicing Sydney and the Sutherland Shire and have the qualifications needed to work on all Service Fuse Replacements and new installations. If you are searching google for information about the repair, replacement or installation of a service fuse in Sutherland Shire, we have put together a comprehensive guide to a help answer all your questions regarding electrical service fuses.

What are Service Fuses?

The council service fuse is located in your electrical switchboard and is essentially an isolation point to disconnect the flow of electricity through your home. Typically a residential domestic home has a service fuse installed on each electrical phase and is rated at 80amps. If you have single phase power then you will have 1 service fuse, if you have 2 phase power you will have 2 service fuses, and if you have 3 phase power you will have 3 service fuses. Some larger circuits can have a 100amp cartridge installed, however not installed in your typical residential home. Service fuse cartridges can also be referred to as an MPD or SPD. Service fuses connect the Consumer Mains to your smart meters and control the flow of electricity between them. Service fuses also act as a meter protection device (MPD) and service protection device (SPD).

Who Can Perform a Service Fuse Replacement?

Normal electricians cannot performs a service fuse replacement as you must have a certain qualification. Only ASP level 2 electricians are qualified to replace and install council service fuses. The service rules of NSW outline who can and cannot perform work to a Service Fuse.

Faulty Service Fuse Issues

The service fuse can be the source of issue relating to a sudden loss of power in your home. If you have inspected your switchboard and all circuit breakers are in the on position and you have no power to your entire home, your service fuse may have blown and require a service fuse replacement. Is it important that you not handle the service fuse yourself and seek the assistance of a level 2 electrician to safely perform a Service Fuse Replacement.

Service Fuse Electrical Defect Notice

We attend a lot of service fuse work where our customers have received an electrical defect report for unsafe and old porcelain ceramic service fuses which need to be upgraded. Typically the distributor which is commonly Ausgrid, Essential, Vector or Endeavour energy will attend your property to upgrade you to new smart meters. However in some cases your residential homes service fuse may not be up to safest standards and they are not able to isolate your power safely to complete the installation of a smart meter. In this case the distributor inspector provides you with an electrical defect to have a new service fuse installed. The home owner has 21 days to rectify the issue and must contact an ASP level 2 electrician. We have put together a comprehensive guide on what do to if you have received an electrical defect notice.

Should I upgrade my switchboard and service fuses?

In some circumstances if your switchboard is old and contains porcelain ceramic fuses, you should consider upgrading the new RCD safety switches which are now mandated in all new builds in Sydney and the Sutherland Shire. The switchboard is the heart of your home she should be include safety protection devices to protect you in the event of overloading and electrocutions. Installing the latest RCD safety switches protects you and your home.

How Many AMPS is a Service fuse?

Typically a residential domestic home has a service fuse installed on each electrical phase and is rated at 80amps.